
September 22, 2018


Have Fun Watching the Whales

The best place to watch whales is in Sydney. In fact, you might call Sydney a whale watcher’s capital. Not only can you watch whales several times a year, you can have a great deal of fun doing so. Whales like to show off, and they often come near whale boating tours. Therefore, you will really feel entertained when you watch their migration.

Friendly Aquatic Creatures

Sometimes the mother and baby whales come up close to a boat. This is a great opportunity for you to take a picture of the intrepid duo. You really will not have an experience such as this one any other place in the world. If you have never watched whales up-close, you need to plan a trip to Sydney. Usually, it is best to take a tour on a boat that will lead you out to where the whales are migrating and “performing.” Whales like to do flips and show off sometimes, which can be quite exhilarating if you see it next to you.

Migrating Populations

The idea of the migration is to spawn young ones. Therefore, the whales come from the Antarctic waters and migrate twice a year. Therefore, you can see these whales in action almost any time your visit Sydney, although they are more prevalent during the times when it gets colder farther south.

You just need to prepare yourself for your adventure in whale watching in Sydney. If the only reason you go to Sydney is to watch the whales, you will find that you have not misspent your travel money. Visiting Sydney is an ideal holiday – one that is fun for the entire family.

Visiting Australia with the Whales

You soon will find out why the whales take to the waters in this part of Australia. They like to migrate to warmer waters and return when the waters are warmer from which they come. Therefore, they are always travelling to and fro through this area of Australia. This fact makes it possible for you to watch several species of whales and see, at times, a dolphin as well.

An Exciting Discovery

You just never know what to expect when you take part in a whale watching adventure. When watching the whales in the colder times of the year, you will need to dress for the occasion. Make sure you wear a comfy sweater and that your shoes will hold well to a boat’s deck. You also want to add rain gear, if possible. The whales can splash a good deal so you need to make sure you do not get too wet or cold.

A One-of-a-Kind Activity

Whale watching is an adventure that is a one-of-a-kind activity. That is why families love to visit Sydney and take part in this fun and different type of tour offering. Make plans today to visit Sydney on your next holiday. Plan a time when you can see the whales without too much difficulty. Take time now to view the tour options for yourself. By scheduling a tour before your arrive in Sydney, you will make it easier to follow your travel itinerary.

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Individual Voluntary Arrangement Vs. Bankruptcy: Check the Pros, Cons and More

When you have many debts and are looking for formal insolvency, there are two different options – individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) and bankruptcy. Both may similar in nature and are legally-binding, but there are considerable differences, as well. Here’s a quick take on the differences, pros and cons.

Effects on your home, career and car

Individual voluntary arrangement is often viewed as an alternative to bankruptcy, but what may work for you may not work for someone else. Bankruptcy does affect your home, especially when you have equity tied up in your house. In such cases, you will have to sell your home to repay the debts. In IVA procedure, you may have to re-mortgage the house if that’s feasible and affordable, but won’t be typically forced to sell. If re-mortgaging doesn’t seem affordable, additional 12 months will be added to the procedure.

In case of your career, bankruptcy will affect your career more than IVA. This is more of a concern for those involved in real estate, financial sectors and accounting. If you are acting as a director of the company, you won’t be allowed to act like one for a limited company – something that’s not true with bankruptcy.

As for your car, you may be allowed to keep it during IVA, but in bankruptcy, it can be sold to repay the debts, provided it has decent value.

Pros and cons of IVA

  • You get better protection for your assets in IVA
  • It may not affect your career as adversely as bankruptcy
  • If you own a business, this may work better than bankruptcy
  • It also takes more time, and you can work on your credit report

On the flip side

  • IVA lasts a lot longer, which means one must endure it
  • Like bankruptcy, your name will be in the insolvency register
  • It will affect your credit rating
  • IVA can be costly.

You can find more details here on individual voluntary arrangement.

Pros and cons of bankruptcy

It’s hard to consider bankruptcy positively, but one may have a reason to choose bankruptcy, like

  • Bankruptcy is the only choice you have
  • You don’t have a lot of assets
  • Can be completed in a shorter time
  • Creditors cannot ask for more than what’s ordered by the court

On the flip side

  • Bankruptcy will affect those more working in financial, accounting and real estate related sectors
  • Your debt will be public, and name will appear on insolvency register.
  • You may have to sell your home and other assets.

To know how bankruptcy will affect your career and assets, check here for details on the procedure.

Take professional advice on whether bankruptcy or IVA may work better for you.

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