Today education across the globe is leaning on the use of internet with every passing day. Students at every level are now in need of accessing the internet for varied reasons. As the level rises higher the requirement increases and so does the right of these students to receive some privilege on the usage of internet from the service providers. Though they might be getting access to a high-speed internet at school, they need the same their home as well.
To help the high schoolers get smarter with their studies online at home and prepare them for a better future.
- Build Up a Community:
To create homework partner programs, school officials need to partner with the local businesses to, allow the students visiting their premises to use their Wi-Fi. A well-knit community is required to establish the norm in every after-school program to offer high school students an internet enabled place with affordable student package internet to do their homework and assignments.
- Provide Mobile Hotspots:
Students should be given free permission to access mobile hotspot devices wherever they want and be able to utilize their time while waiting for their turn in a queue. This strategy has been accepted and implemented by many schools and libraries. Now they are conducting programs to lend hotspot facility to students, that even includes extending loans for families having children studying in public high schools and they are provided the permission to make use of these devices.
- Wire Buses:
In some places the school buses are equipped with Wi-Fi facility so that the students can utilize their long commuting time to school by completing their assignments. Some schools have even park connected buses to give students internet access for the lower-income communities.
- Building Public Awareness of Affordable Internet Options:
Even if there are such systems available in which students can access affordable or sometimes even internet access, people at large might not be aware of them. There are some internet providers who offer discounted internet services for lower-income group of people. Building up public awareness to avail such privileges is the one required step to be taken by the service providers.
- Ensure students have devices:
Though there has been a lot of controversy on the issue whether young students of high school level should be using their own mobile devices, there is no doubt that we can’t go back the way we came. There is no denying the fact that internet has opened the door of knowledge and information to the young learners which shouldn’t be taken back. On the contrary, students not only be given an affordable internet connection but also dedicated mobile devices to make them independent and well-equipped.
[Ask these questions when vetting new tech tools.]
Final Thoughts
Thinking long term would help taking the best turns. Students of High schools are the teenagers who need proper support from every corner. Schools which are looking to rear up good students need to wake up to the situation. They need to help the students in receiving these basic internet privileges to ensure a brighter future.