
The Perfection Of Gamification in Marketing for You

Gamification consists in transferring certain game mechanisms to other areas of activity in order to enable employees to surpass themselves and to challenge themselves. It refers, among other things, to points, rewards, challenge systems, etc. Although this technique goes back several years, it is attracting more and more companies who are looking for new methods to stimulate employees and recognize their efforts at no extra cost, especially since the arrival of new technologies. Indeed, companies today understand its potential.

More profits

To motivate your employees to sell a product of which there are several copies in stock, you can set up a motivational campaign and thus set specific goals for sellers. In another vein, you can also create a strategy to increase your customer base from your website by creating a referral program. Among other things, it’s enough to allow your customers to share products on social media to earn rewards such as discounts, cash, or donations to an organization. For the marketing gamification tools and examples this is the perfect deal.

Continuous training for your employees

With gamification, you can provide ongoing training to your new recruits and employees in a fun way. You can test their knowledge of your products or services by setting up an interactive questionnaire or by creating a game that reflects your company’s various obstacles and levels. This allows them to develop their autonomy and to be stimulated by learning. This is very useful for increasing their skills within your company.

Motivated and successful employees

A recent study shows that the biggest motivator for employees is success at 44%. A gambling platform allows you to set specific goals for your employees, to recognize and reward their efforts. For example, you can challenge your employees to sell 50 copies of your product in a month. If they achieve their goal, they can get a badge or points redeemable in an online store. Dashboards are available to allow you to track their performance in real time individually or in teams. In addition to better predicting the financial results of the company, you can give them constructive feedback so they can improve. Interestingly, employees also have access to statistics. They can therefore self-evaluate and thus better know what the expectations are for them and by the same to know if they meet these expectations.

Better internal communication

Communicating with your employees has not always been an obvious task especially if you are a large company. With a strategy and a gamification solution, you can communicate important news and thus reduce the resistance to change of your team. You can also strengthen collaboration between different departments and allow everyone to understand how they work. With dashboards that explain the evolution of employee performance, you can also give them advice or highlight internal successes so that they can be inspired.

Finally, implementing an in-house gamification solution requires a culture change. Among other things, you need to know the business objectives in the short and long term and to be aware of the expectations of the employees. However, according to the president, this represents less work than one thinks. Indeed, today people are very comfortable with new technologies and have already played games that use the gamification technique.